If you’ve been involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, then it can be straightforward to be glad that it wasn’t worse simply.
What you might not have considered is how much the injury has actually affected your life. Whilst you might not feel you need compensation for the pain you went through, what about for any wages lost after your injury? If you were unable to work, then you’ve lost out on money you would have legitimately earnt, all because of the actions (or inaction) of somebody else. Accident compensation will cover this.
You may have incurred extra costs for transport due to being unable to drive with your injury, or you might have ended up out of pocket because of any medical expenses that you had to pay or contribute to. All of these things are costs that have put you out of pocket through no fault of your own, and you deserve that money back.
The way to do this in most cases is by getting in touch with some expert accident solicitors and finding out all about accident claims and how to go about pursuing one. If there is an out of court settlement or the accident claim is settled in your favor when it goes to court, then you can find yourself reimbursed for all your expenses. You won’t even have to pay the legal fees, as these will be paid for by the defense under ‘Win, No Fee’ legislation.